Willis Snyder began in the piano service and repair business in 1956. He provided tuning and repairs of all makes of pianos as well as player piano restoration work. By the mid-sixties he began rebuilding pianos. This included soundboard repair, new tuning pinblocks, restringing and action repair. In 1969 he acquired the knowledge to build and install new sounding boards for pianos. In 1969 he and his wife Kathryn, built a new shop where the business continues today to provide the highest quality grand piano rebuilding work available. Willis also taught piano repair at numerous seminars around the country for over thirty-five years. Willis retired in 2002 leaving the business in the hands of David and his wife Miriam. They continue the business adhering to the high standards that Willis first set and to which David later re-enforced and built upon.
Willis passed in 2009.
David graduated from Drexel University in 1975 with a degree in Commerce and Engineering. He joined the business and became a full partner within five years. In 1980, David joined Willis in teaching at seminars. Willis and David developed innovative classes and taught together at many seminars at local, regional and national levels. David continues to teach at seminars today, but on a more limited schedule as the demands of the business have grown.
David continues to rebuild pianos to the highest standards today. He also maintains a tuning/servicing clientele. This clientele includes private piano owners, schools, churches, and Universities.